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These Common Kitchen Ingredients Will Boost Your Family’s Health

Posted by Aiza C. LEano on

These Common Kitchen Ingredients Will Boost Your Family’s Health

Had enough of the superfood craze? Are you tired of seeing lists of exotic foods that are way out of the price range of your monthly food budget? And even if you do manage to get a hold of some superfood ingredient, do you feel stressed out not knowing what to do with it, now that it's on your kitchen counter?

You might be glad to find that a few common staples pack a powerful nutritional punch. Here are 3 common ingredients that can be found in your kitchen, or are otherwise easy to source, that are guaranteed to boost your family's health.


Often seen as a powdered spice, or as an oil, turmeric curcumin is an ingredient that is both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. You might only be familiar with it as the yellow spice you add to your once-a-week curry night. But after reading this, you might want to consider adding it to other foods due to its intensely packed nutritional value.

For the circulatory system, it is said to help relieve stress. It is also considered a digestive aid and liver detoxifying aid. Turmeric has also been known to promote kidney function.

Convinced but don't know how to incorporate it into more of your family's meals (outside of curries)? Consider adding a dash of this spice to your kids' scrambled eggs or omelets. Kids tend to be suspicious of new foods. But since the yellow of the spice is partially hidden by the yellow of the eggs, they'll take that first bite without cajoling from you.

Another simple way is through adding it to milk, AKA Golden Milk. Which is a magical combination of turmeric, ginger, and milk. Hide the yellow color with honey, if your kids are on the picky side, and you want them to taste it without too much coercing.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Are you worried about your or your partner's weight? Or perhaps your children are a bit over the recommended weight for their age and height? Perhaps their last health checkup showed certain individuals in your family are pre-diabetic? Wish your kitchen cabinet had an ingredient that could help your family lose weight, cut down on hunger cravings, and help you cut the belly fat?

Guess what? Apple cider vinegar does all that and more.

For those who are pre-diabetic, apple cider vinegar can help to keep blood sugar levels in a normal range. Additionally, it has been shown to improve insulin response. And the benefits are most pronounced when taking the vinegar with a meal.

In many studies, apple cider vinegar was found to promote weight loss and reduce fat around one's belly. In fact, Healthline notes that those who took 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar per day lost up to 2.6 pounds during one study.

Need some ideas on how to add apple cider vinegar to your family's daily meals? Try it the British way and splash it on battered fish and chips (AKA french fries). Use it as a dressing on salads. Add a little bit to the fruit juice you serve your kids. Once they get used to the flavor, slowly increase the amount to up to a tablespoon per drink.


Cinnamon's super power is not only that it makes desserts taste better. But that it does so while also being good for your health. It's the family-friendliest ingredient in town due to being delicious and nutritious.

Have a teen under your roof who has been introduced to their first taste of acne? According to certain cinnamon studies, this spice could help to banish breakouts. In fact, some experts recommend creating a topical face mask of honey plus cinnamon as a way to keep acne at bay.

Further, cinnamon is packed full of antioxidants. Antioxidants help prevent damage to one's cells. This pretty much means that antioxidants are one of the main ingredients needed to keep your body operating in top form.

But really, one of the best things about this spice is the ease with which you can add it to your family's existing, favorite meals. At breakfast, it can be sprinkled on top of cereal, toast, oatmeal, herbal tea, or coffee.

It might surprise you to find that you can add it to a meat sauce, or use it to season vegetables, too. Try adding a little to a few savory dishes. Go light on the flavoring at first. Your family will be hard pressed to figure out that secret addition that made today's dinner get a full five stars!

Written by Guest Author for The Healthy Moms Magazine and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to

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